Evernote Rename Notebook

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How to Batch Rename Evernote Notebooks?


Special Characters in Evernote Notebook Name
Evernote Notebook Name is string can include some special characters ( like ': ' > < | / ).
If you have much of these notebooks and name include these special characters, these names will cause problems when you export notebooks.
Batch Rename Evernote Notebooks
Evernote Batch Processor now provide a feature to batch rename check notebooks name.
In Evernote Batch:
  1. Click 'Notebooks Rename' feature in 'Notebook' tab.
  2. On the left Notebook tree, check all notebooks.
  3. Input ':' to search, and ')' to replace.
  4. Click 'Start' button to start rename checked notebooks.
Rename Notebooks
Evernote Batch Processor will rename the notebooks, it will show 'Success' in Status column when success rename notebook.
Relaunch Evernote to See the Result
After Evernote Batch Processor rename notebooks, relaunch Evernote, you will find the notebooks name have been changed.

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How to use evernoteMultiple
  • The new Evernote for Mac. Click Notebooks in the navigation menu. In the main panel, right-click on a notebook and select Export Notebook. Rename the export file, if desired. Older version of Evernote for Mac. Select View Notebooks from the menu bar. Right-click on a notebook and select Export Note from 'notebook name'.
  • Get code examples like 'link font awesome html' instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension.
  • Notebook Settings—this is where you can change the Notebook’s name as well as indicate if you’d like to make this Notebook your default Notebook. Your default Notebook is the Notebook where Evernote saves your Notes unless you specified a different one. Rename Notebook—self-explanatory. Delete Notebook—self-explanatory.

Evernote Rename Notebooks

Evernote Rename Notebook

Evernote Rename Notebook Stack

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