Sophos Antispam

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PureMessage spam rules may fail to download for several reasons. The following troubleshooting steps guide you through the most likely reasons for this problem. Follow them in order. Important: Ensure the Sophos credentials (available on your license schedule) include the PureMessage Anti-Spam component. ActiveState's PureMessage antispam gateway analyzes e-mail messages to detect spam and also has content inspection features that allow companies to set and enforce corporate policies for message.

Sophos spam
Note Only the State, Weight, and Probability Adjust % of default anti-spam rules can be modified. Sophos does not recommend adjusting anti-spam rules because they are automatically updated by SophosLabs on a regular basis.
Sophos Antispam

Sophos Email Advanced

To modify default anti-spam rule behavior:

  1. On the sidebar of the Policy tab, click Anti-Spam Rules.
  2. Click the name of the rule that you want to modify.

    The editable settings for the selected rule are displayed in drop-down lists or editable text boxes.

  3. Make the desired modifications.

    The editable settings and their available options are:

    • Rule State: Select Auto, Enabled, or Disabled.
      Note By default, rules are set to Auto, which sets the state of the rule according to whether there is a value in the rule’s Weight or Probability Adjust % text box. If both scores are zero, the rule has no effect.
    • Weight: The value (or 'weight') added to the message’s total spam score when the message matches this rule. Values can be either positive or negative; prefix negative numbers with a minus symbol. For more information about how scores are calculated, see 'Test Scores' in the Policy section of the Administrator’s Reference.
    • Probability Adjust %: The absolute probability for the rule in the form of a percentage. When the total spam score is calculated for the message, rules with weights are first converted to a percentage, and then rules with absolute probabilities are added. If both a rule weight and a probability adjustment percentage are specified, the rule weight is first converted to a percentage, and then the value in the Probability Adjust % text box is added to determine the total weight for that rule.
  4. Once you have modified the rule behavior to your requirements, click Save at the bottom of the page.

Sophos Antispam Datasheet

The Manage section on the Policy tab sidebar includes links to three pages where you can set the behavior of Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus filtering:

Sophos Anti Spam Blacklist

  • The Anti-Virus Options page allows you to set options such as whether pre-analysis of the message contents is done to save processing time, whether virus scanning is run as a system service, what the behavior should be when the anti-virus engine fails, and how the anti-virus engine should handle archive scanning.
  • The Anti-Spam Rules page allows you to set which anti-spam rules are enabled or disabled and what the relative weight and probability adjustment percentage is for each rule. You can also create new anti-spam rules.
    Note Sophos does not recommend adjusting anti-spam rules because they are automatically updated by SophosLabs on a regular basis. It is also advised that you consult with Sophos support before attempting to create any new anti-spam rules. If you are receiving false positives or false negatives, Sophos asks that you forward these messages to SophosLabs for our analysts to investigate. See “PureMessage Feedback” in the Contacting Sophos section for more information.
  • The Anti-Spam Options page allows you to set how much of a message should be scanned, whether non-relay checks should be enabled or disabled, whether network checks are enabled or disabled, and what special language character sets are enabled.

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