Outlook To Do List

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Select the Tasks icon, and then select New Task. Add a subject, date, and priority. Select the Reminder checkbox if you'd like to set a reminder. Select Save & Close. Feb 05, 2021 Outlook is now adding a feature that will make users of Microsoft's software ecosystem happy — direct integration with Microsoft To Do, the company's task management app. Many people keep a list of things to do — on paper, in a spreadsheet, or by using a combination of paper and electronic methods. In Outlook, you can combine your various lists into one list, enhanced with reminders and tracking. As the to-do list cannot be shown in Outlook Today page, we can just enable the To-Do Bar in the Outlook Today view. Open your Outlook Today firstly. In Outlook 2010 and 2013, click View To-Do Bar Normal. See screenshot: Tip: In Outlook 2007, click View To-Do Bar Normal. Then the To-Do Bar is showing with the to-do list in. Set yourself up for success with My Day, intelligent and personalized suggestions to update your daily to do list. Manage your to do list online A truly cross platform task manager. Whether you're at home or on the go you can access your task list and stay organized.

  1. Outlook To Do List Add On
  2. Outlook To Do List
  3. Microsoft To Do And Outlook

You know that tab at the bottom of your Outlook called Tasks? It’s a tab full of features to help you organize all of your flagged emails and create a task list. However, once you’ve entered this magical organizational tab, it can be slightly confusing to navigate. There are tasks you can create and a To-Do list in the left hand side bar. But what’s the difference?

An item is added to the To-Do list when you add this flag to an email in your inbox. We know how easily emails can get lost in our inbox, so it can be helpful to add a flag to an email that requires a response, or has an action item within the message. As a follow-up to the flag, the email is also added to the To-Do List in the Tasks tab.

Also within the Tasks tab is Tasks. Tasks are items you create from scratch. They are not tied to an email message and you can add important details to your task. In the new task window, you can add details such as a start date, due date, reminder, and priority. You are also able to assign tasks to others to add to their task list, integrate your task list with OneNote, and send a status report update.

Check out the overview video above. The steps below describe how to create a new task.

  1. Select Tasks tab at the bottom of your Outlook window.
  2. Click New Task in the upper left hand corner.
  3. A new window will appear where you can write your task and add details with the many feature options.

In this article, you’ll learn how to use color categories in Outlook to organize your to-do list and actionable emails.

In the last article, we created a folder structure to organize the emails we need to keep for future reference. We need a different approach to organize emails that need us to take action. But why would we want to do that? Why not just flag emails and use that as a to-do list?

Here’swhy: you don’t keep your to-do list and your filing cabinet in your mailboxright? Your mailbox is for receiving, your filing cabinet is for storingimportant papers for later and your to-do list is for getting things done. Youremail inbox works the same way, it’s supposed to be for receiving, yet a lot ofpeople keep emails in their inbox to remind them to do something.

Thedownside is that your inbox doesn’t allow you to prioritize and organize yourtasks as well as other tools.

Thisprevents us from taking advantage of one an important productivity strategy,batching. Batching refers to the process of grouping similar tasks together.It’s more efficient than multitasking and switching back and forth betweendifferent kinds of tasks.

Inorder to group emails that need similar action together, we’re going to usecategories.

How to Use Categories to Get Organized

To add a category to an email, select an email, right click and go to categorize. If you’ve never used categories before, then the defaults will be named after different colors.

Outlook To Do List Add On

To modify your categories or add more colors to Outlook Categories, go to All Categories.

Since we’re going to use categories for actionable emails we need to create different categories for different kinds of actions.

When we create categories, we’re going to number them so they arrange themselves in order of priority. That way, as we start to work through our tasks, we can follow the order we set when we created our categories.

Outlook Categories Best Practices

Here is a versatile category structure that works for a variety of workflows.

1 Purpose / Goals

The Purpose and Goals category is the most important category and it is reserved for the most important actions. This category will help you think strategically and keep you from getting distracted by unimportant urgent tasks. This category is for all of the actions that help you grow as a person.

2 Needs Action

You don’t want to keep people waiting, so this category is for phone calls and emails that you need to send ASAP. Bills you need to pay also belong in this category, unless you’re not going to pay them right away.

Outlook To Do List

3 Waiting for Reply


The Waiting for Reply category is for things you don’t want to forget to follow up on. If you sent an email or left a voicemail and you’re waiting for a reply. Don’t leave the email unmarked in your inbox. Assign it to this category so you remember to follow up.

4 1:1 with _person’s name_

1:1s are for meetings you have with others. You’ll put things into this category if you want to remember to address them the next time you meet with that person. You’ll need to create a 1:1 category for each person you work with on a regular basis.

5 Projects

Similar to the category above, create a category for each major project you’re working so you can keep making progress on it.

6 Notifications

Notifications is going to be for items you need to be aware of. That’s not very actionable, I know, but this category is best paired with Outlook rules. You can use rules to categorize emails automatically so unimportant emails such as social media notifications or emails you’re cc’d on can appear in the notifications category.

7 Read

Remember all those emails and newsletters and PDF attachments you need to read? Put them in this category so you can get a cup of coffee and sit down to read them all at once. Photoshop cs6 offline update.

8 Later

This category is for all the things you need to do, but in the future. You can put tax documents in here or other things that you don’t need to take care of right away. Bills that you don’t want to pay right away. Things you want to remind yourself to do in a few weeks.

You can move things into the Needs Action or other category when you’re ready.

9 Someday Maybe

Microsoft To Do And Outlook

Someday Maybe is for all those things that you want to do…one day. All those shiny things you get distracted by and sign up for and then discover you don’t have time for, those can go in here. Emails that give you an ideas for a future businesses that you want to organize go here. Connections for a future podcast go here. Basically it’s all those bright ideas that you might want to do someday…maybe.

How to Sort Emails by Category in Outlook

Once you create categories, you can sort your inbox by category so similar emails are together.

To do so, go to By From. To change it back to being sorted by date, go to Date (Conversations).

So not only have you organized your inbox, but you’ve organized your work so you’re no longer staring at your inbox thinking about how to get started. Just start with the first category and work your way down the list. If you don’t make it all the way down some days, that’s ok, because you’ve taken care of the highest priority items first.

More Help Organizing Outlook

This article is an excerpt from my FREE one-week course Organize My Email Inbox, that will teach how to organize your emails and tasks with a productivity system. To learn how to use categories to effectively organize emails and tasks, including how to use rules to categorize emails automatically, enroll in my free class.

Outlook to do list app

For more tips and tricks on how to get organized using Outlook, visit my How to Use Outlook Guide.

To train your team on Outlook best practices, visit the work with me page.

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