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Sanzen (参禅), aka nisshitsu (入室), means going to a Zen master for instruction. In the Rinzai school, it has the same meaning as dokusan, which is specifically a private interview between student and master, often centering on the student's grasp of an assigned koan.If the master rings a bell to dismiss the student, this means the student's understanding is not right and that their work. Dokusan, or private instruction, provides an opportunity for Zen students to work directly with a teacher in a confidential, face-to-face setting.

Dokusan, or the formal meeting of teacher and student, is an essential element of Zen practice. Dogen Zenji says that there are two ways to realize the body and mind of Zen, “Meeting with a teacher to inquire into dharma and just wholeheartedly sitting.” If either of these are neglected, Dogen says, it is impossible to “hit the mark” with body and mind, fully expressing freedom, letting go of our fixed ideas and views.

Anyone is welcome to request dokusan from any of the teachers at Zen Center. Teachers and practice leaders are available for meetings via telephone, teleconference, or other modalities.

Dokusan definition

Kodo Sawaki

MeaningDokusan zen

Dokusan Bursa

We also have many practice leaders in addition to the teachers linked above, and they would also love to connect. Please e-mail us at if you are interested in talking to one of them, or if you would like more guidance in finding someone to speak with.

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